Monday 10 February 2014

Not All Stars Sparkle Set to Shine Again

2014 has got off to quite a hectic start. I've been busy preparing my CarinaUK debut, Prime Deception, which is set to be released next month. I'm excited to share the publication date and cover with you closer to the time!

Carina have also requested to re-publish my debut novel, Not All Stars Sparkle, along with it's sequel, Cradle to Grave.

It is all really exciting but it means I've spent a lot of time locked away working on revisions and also planning out my big YA trilogy which I should be able to talk about more in the not too distant future.

I love writing and I'm so pleased to be able to share more of my work with people. It's just that everything seems to come at once as I'm also moving house next month so in the process of packing away pretty much everything! Anyone who knows me is aware that I find change and upheaval a right royal pain so I'll be much happier once I'm settled in my new home!

I've also lost a fair amount of my life to Being Human which I started watching the other week on a whim and am now absolutely hooked!

I'll hopefully have some release dates to update everyone with soon so until then it's back to boxing up my life in anticipation of the big move!

Until next time,


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